

Sculptural Creation Process | Izaga School

Process of Sculptural Creation | Colegio Izaga

Collective Exhibition at Galería Fariza

Collective Exhibition en Galería Fariza

Individual Painting Exhibition in Aterpe Galeria

Individual exhibition in the Aterpe Gallery (Loiu, Bizkaia), from the 3rd to the 30th of October 2017.
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Painting courses 2017

Photos taken in different painting courses together with Antonio López, Julio López Hernáncez , Tomás Bañuelos and Félix de La Concha.
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Studio-Art Workshop Marta Sagardoy

Video presentation of the work in the studio-workshop of painting and sculpture in Bilbao. I would like to thank Bilbao-Ekintza and the European Social Fund for the help provided for this video.

Interview at Ekonomiaren KZ – January 2016

SAGARDOY: “El arte da vida a una casa, una ciudad o una institución” Cuando hizo Bellas Artes en la UPV, Marta Sagardoy encontró allí dos tipos de estudiantes: aquellos que querían estudiar una sola disciplina –pintura, audio-visuales…